Thursday, November 19, 2009



tday.. all the form4s.. coz SPM is going on and we take turn to holiday..
yesterday is the form2s.. tday the form4s.. and tmr is the form1s.. :)

Went to Pay Fong2 wif Feng, Mona and Winnie.. meeting wif Jess, ah Chor, ah Jia, nenek, JiaWei and HuiPing there.. so pek cek.. tday so 'nan de' we all holiday n planned to go bec n visit the teachers.. mana tau tak boleh masuk o.. yish.. so geram.. waited at the gate for so long.. wasting time only.. den we all give up.. n went to d.p.. meet eric thr.. and ah Yoke and Hui Ling..

went to m.p for pizza.. be4 the movie.. fm m.p to d.p.. very tiring noe..
we watch this tday.. i like this show.. nice.. but Jess say Tsunami nicer.. dunno.. haven watch that yet..

so after the movie.. we went to Old Town..
while waiting for the foods.. every1 is so quiet.. moody..
its like every1 was shocked after watching 2012.. the end of the world..
hahaha... :)

after lepak, went for BM tuition..
at 4, some of us oni la.. includin me la of course.. so rajin hor.. *peace*

home sweet home..
tmr.. back to skul..
the last day of skul.. :(

ForEveR PurpLe~


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