Friday, November 20, 2009

Last day of skulz.. fRee..

Tday is the last day of skul..
so sad.. We're gonna miss u teachers, Pn Mahes.. Pn Goh.. Pn Yon..
Sayonara.. It's time to say goodbye... :(

went shopping wif my mom n my bro..
pizza.. yum yum.. ^^

Tmr will be a very bz day..
nid to work.. hav piano lesson.. and most important is..
Jia's birthday..
so fast oh.. She 16 ady le..
i'm still 15.. huhu.. T.T
N also Hui Ling, McDonald, our BSMM president's birthday.. same wif Jia's.. ^^

nvm la.. mine is cumin actually.. wakaka..
too bad cant celebrate wif my sis..
coz nid to go bac to skul for the NEW form1 students..
well the good thing is, tis will be the 1st time celebrating my 16th bd wif my frenz..
cant wait o.. very exited.. xoxo

ForEveR PurpLe~


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